
Family FREE Resources

Leveling up Your Daily Rhythms - Activation Guide

Cultivating rhythms to bring life to your marriage and family

Weekly Family Meal

Join the Pryor family in their weekly family meal.

Activation Worksheet: Using Your Kitchen to Become a Team

Treating the kitchen as ground zero for turning your family into a team


The Behtke's give you an up close look at some of their most fruitful rhythms.

How to Create a Vision & Mission For Your Marriage or Family

Defining the heartbeat and direction of your marriage and family.

Family Team Meeting

The Pryor family gives you a behind the scenes look at their team meetings.

Creating a Team Mindset- Activation Guide:

Enfolding your kids into your family's work and mission

Creating a Family Team

Real life examples from the Pryor family of what it can look like to be a family team.

Crafting A Day of Rest- Activation guide

Creating a day of rest ideal for you and your family.

Annual Family Summit

Setting a yearly vision for your family team through an intentional summit.